The HSC is officially getting to me

well I went to see my endo today (endocrinologist, a doctor specialising in the care of diabetes and other hormone related disorders).

As usual, he was brilliant sorting out everything and helping me immensely in aiding the daily plight of managing blood sugars and insulin dosages.

But this time, well the stress has got to me and my HbA1c (the three month average of my blood glucose, was the highest it's ever been. We aim to have it below 7% and usually I'm well under, but this time was different- 8.7.
Now for a lot of people, this is a great A1c, but being the perfectionist I am, it's a bit of a let down, but maybe a sign to slow it down with the stress. I take six hsc subjects, each intensive and demanding it its own right and whilst I am aiming for a high ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) to get into my desired course at uni, it might be time to ease off a little and focus on myself, rather than school school school.

So yes, my A1c isn't something I'm too pleased with, but in the end, it's just a number. Even with my regular 8 times a day blood testing, no diabetic is perfect.
I guess whilst I would love to get into this course, the HSC isn't the be all and end all, and whatever happens will work out for the best in the long run :) 

See you Friday!


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