Low Sugar Brain Adventures
Low blood sugars make you do stupid things. Stupid, dangerous, scary things. I must have had a whole lot of luck on my side today because this could have turned nasty. I was walking back to redfern station when my blood sugar dropped. I didn't notice it and took a wrong turn.... and so the saga begins. I finally stopped to check it, but there was no where to sit. Stupid low mistake #1: Crouch down and check it in a shifty looking side street. My shifty side street was near a shop, so I suppose low error 1 wasn't too bad. It was then I realised I was going the wrong way. Stupid low mistake #2: Walk back and forth past the same guy on a corner, showing that you're evidently lost. So I managed to head the right way, which brings me to this. Stupid low mistake #3: Keep walking when low, AND walk through a shifty looking side street. I quickly walked through and encountered two women nearby, so I asked which was it was to Redfern station. "Oh it's just u...