Breaking the blue collar ceiling

So, I'm not angry about this (wow what a change!)
I just want to somehow break a stereotype, or at least have someone, somewhere, challenge this stereotype.

I'm very lucky to live where I do, with the family I do. I have so much support that I've never felt like I've gone without. However, it has to be acknowledged that in the area I live, there is a certain mentality that is present.

You're not expected to go on to university. You're supposed to go to TAFE, or get a job. You're supposed to have a boyfriend and plans for the future.
I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't plan on getting full time work, I don't plan on going to TAFE.

I plan on going to university, and a very prestigious one at that. I didn't choose this uni by its name, unfortunately for me it was the only place that offers my course. My second choice means I'll have to move house and drive for an hour each day to uni. I mention the prestige of the uni because with that comes a stigma

I received a scholarship in my chosen course, and was completely thrilled, still am! But it brought on a conversation with my mum, on how I really was breaking a stereotype, breaking the glass ceiling. To me, this is breaking the blue collar ceiling, the belief that I cannot go into a white collar profession. I was once told that "you'd have to have rocks in your head to go on to university"... a little awkward when you mention your chosen career involves not 3 but 4 years there! But that wasn't meant as a malicious comment, it was just not expected of me. But everyone's ideas are changing as both myself and my cousin head off to uni next year. I've been lucky to have a balance however, as whilst my parents didn't go to uni and only one completed high school, I had cousins that could help me and offer advice.

Breaking the blue collar ceiling won't be a simple task. It won't be without judgement from others, especially as "a scholarship kid". But to me, I don't feel like there's some massive gap between everyone. It shouldn't matter where you live, all that should matter is what you want to study, because really, isn't that what uni is all about? When I say next year (well if I get the marks this is) "I go to this uni" shouldn't carry those stereotypes, even if I am the token Aussie kid in my area, and even my school year going there.


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