Breaking the blue collar ceiling
So, I'm not angry about this (wow what a change!) I just want to somehow break a stereotype, or at least have someone, somewhere, challenge this stereotype. I'm very lucky to live where I do, with the family I do. I have so much support that I've never felt like I've gone without. However, it has to be acknowledged that in the area I live, there is a certain mentality that is present. You're not expected to go on to university. You're supposed to go to TAFE, or get a job. You're supposed to have a boyfriend and plans for the future. I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't plan on getting full time work, I don't plan on going to TAFE. I plan on going to university, and a very prestigious one at that. I didn't choose this uni by its name, unfortunately for me it was the only place that offers my course. My second choice means I'll have to move house and drive for an hour each day to uni. I mention the prestige of the uni because with ...