This is what diabetes looks like

Long time no blog! Happy Diabetes Awareness Month, I hope you're wearing plenty of blue.

I have a bit of a habit of checking out when the going gets tough with my diabetes. I usually want to write but it's all a bit too hard. This leaves my blog looking pretty squeaky clean and like I've always got everything under control. Well I haven't but I'm trying again.

Let me show you what diabetes looks like.

First it does this
Change your pump settings after months of laziness and then it does this
And these are everywhere because your sugar meter case broke

The green target zone was becoming uncharted land

Uninterrupted sleep is overrated 

My current set is taped down using a bandaid because it lost stickiness the day after I inserted it.
There's chocolate wrappers and juiceboxes on my bed from the hypos of finally adjusted basal rates (I'm getting more insulin because my sugars are high).
My meter case doesn't have an inner compartment that zips up so my test strips go everywhere.
There's uni exams, and committees, conferences, events, work, other health management and sugar levels to be fixing.

But in good news I get a CGM trial for a week because despite my ridiculous blood sugar my a1c (3 month average) is 6.7%.Which is fantastic, but makes no sense when my average sugar level has been around 9 or 10. The current theory is I might be having overnight hypos.

CGMs monitor your sugar 24/7 so that should solve the mystery of the weirdly good a1c.

So I'm pretty tried and over it, and a bit like Catherine Tate as Lauren:

But things are improving slowly but surely :)


  1. I am delighted that things are improving and I predict you will love the CGM. I know I love mine.

    This item has been referred to the TUDiabetes Blog page for the week of October 31, 2016

    1. Thanks Rick!
      Hoping not to love it too much- if only they were subsidised!

  2. I hope CGM helps you smooth things out. Its hard when your diabetes is not playing ball.


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