DBlog Week 2016: Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks - Friday 5/20
Day Five: "Let's round out the week by sharing our best diabetes tips and diabetes tricks. From how you organize supplies to how you manage gear on the go/vacation (beach, or skiing, or whatever). From how you keep track of prescription numbers to how you remember to get your orders refilled. How about any “unconventional” diabetes practices, or ways to make diabetes work for YOU (not necessarily how the doctors say to do it!). There's always something we can learn from each other."

As usual I'm really sad D Blog Week is over. I'm also sad I have to post this at half past 5 in the morning because of uni commitments. Early bird gets the worm and all that jazz I suppose.

Thank you all for reading my posts and commenting. I love the level of interaction during this week and getting to catch up with all of you. I've tried to read as many blogs as possible and will keep going over the next few weeks while they're still up. A massive thank you once again to Karen at bittersweetdiabetes.com for her hard work to bring us all together. You're on the other side of the world but you've made a huge difference to my life and many others. 

On to the post!

I never have any cool tricks so I'm more excited to read everyone else's posts later today, and tomorrow for other countries. But I can show you a few things. 


So if you recall, last year I revealed that I am in fact a disgustingly messy critter, much to my mum's dismay. But I have exited teen-hood and moved up in the world! Check this out:

I get everything in this bad boy. I have a hoarding issue with papers, so pump manuals and pamphlets galore fit in here too. It may have almost caused WW3 (it was a flat pack. I paid for it but needed Dad's help to assemble it), but it was worth it. No more messy wardrobes of shame! I also promoted my floor coke cans to bedside table coke cans. 

My goodness I think I turned into an adult! 

Just kidding, the drawers are a mess inside and I just remembered this sneaky pile. Old habits die hard right? Maybe next year I'll progress into a neat drawer person. I'll keep you posted.

The Magical Bags

These are a new addition to my life but they are the best things ever. Would you look at all those pockets! It has a wallet section and space for your phone and everything!

I am someone with a strong appreciation for big bags but they get in the way when you go out. Plus they are really heavy. So these beauties are my favourite things at the moment. You can find them here: http://www.myabetic.com (Men's options too!)

The Sets

If you didn't know, medtronic sets (the disposable ones at least) have the option of an 80cm tubing line. Get it and never look back because you won't rip out your cannula when you sleep ever again. Extra long is the way to go!

The Clothes

My one little trick is probably how I dress with the pump. What's a girl to do when she has an insulin pump and is wearing a dress? Well, the most common response is thigh belts or clipping it to your bra. 

1) Thigh belts never work for me
2) I could do the bra thing but that's not really a happening thing for me if I'm after "subtle" and "not noticeable"

My solution? Shorts under dresses. For long dresses, I try and get a side split or go for the mullet dress (you know, short in the front and long in the back) for easier access.
Strategically placed ruffles and changes in fabric are also very pump disguising. Dark colours also help.

And one very weird tip? For some reason if I turn my pump around the other way (i.e. instead of the screen facing out, have the screen facing toward my stomach and the clip outward) it reduces the pump bump. Plus it removes it from view for the little ones who want to grab it when you're on placement.

Exhibit A and B. I use all these strategies and pump visibility is low!

Alternatively, wear your pump how I normally do. Out and proud.

I used to get really concerned about it and refused to buy tight dresses because it "looked bad". Now I really don't mind at all. It's not a bad conversation starter and I get to laugh at everyone trying to work out what it is. 

Pager, music device, clip on phone, who knows?
I'm a woman of mystery. 


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adiabeticsrollercoaster 


  1. Ohhh the organised diabetes drawers. I have them too, complete with chaotic insides & pile of supplies next to the drawers.

    I am so excited to check out Myabetic, thanks for that tip!

    1. I think they're a universal thing at this point

      Yes go check them out, the best for having something nice to carry the junk (not cheap but diabetes is rarely pretty- I don't mind spending a little for one nice thing)

  2. I've enjoyed your posts this week!

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's posts

  3. Great list! The shorts under dress idea is great! The thigh clips never worked for me either!

    1. Yes! Spanx work well for tighter dresses/more streamlined appearance
      Yep thigh belts and clips just slid right down on me, frustrating!

  4. Great post. I use the Omnipod because I'm such a klutz and when given the option chose tubless without hesitation. I love it. As far as it being visible, I'm too old to care and only occasionally get questions when I wear it on my arm in the summer. I'm going to try to catch up on the rest of your's this weekend along with all the other posts. I've barely had time to write this week. I just posted yesterday's. :) Thanks for the post!

    1. Ah I always wondered about how user friendly the pod was.
      Yes I'll check out your blog as well! So many great blogs to catch up on. Thanks for commenting :)

  5. Myabetic is amazing. I have one of their kits and I love it! Awesome tips. :)

    1. Yes I'm a recent convert to them. So nice to have things designed specifically for that purpose :)

  6. I'm a huge fan of the longer infusion sets! And also shorts under dresses - the only thigh things I can get to work are tubigrips, but they can get a little tight.


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