An important video
Today I saw an amazing mini documentary put up by the New York Times. It’s 12 minutes long but well worth that time. Link: It follows a mother and daughter living with the daughter’s type 1 diabetes and gives a real view into the life of a t1 and their family. I should stress that- this is just ONE case, your diabetes may vary- I know mine does. It got me thinking about my own life, and my parents. The video seems to show the mother as still very much in control of her daughter’s diabetes, which is understandable as she was diagnosed at a young age and demonstrates some severe symptoms. I do everything in this clip myself, except the middle of the night checks where my dad comes in and wakes me up. But that doesn’t mean that my parents don’t have the same amount of concern. They had to let me be mostly independent from the time I was diagnosed for a few reasons. - I was a young teenager when I was diagnosed...