JDRF Australia Type 1 Summit
Last Sunday I attended the first Australian Type 1 Diabetes Summit. It was an event bringing together experts in t1 to discuss research, technology, emotional wellbeing and general management. But more than that, it was an event bringing together people with type 1 and their families. Three main highlights from the outset: 1) There were talks for all ages. It feels like everything t1 related is for young kids and adolescents, so it was a nice change to have an adult focus. 2) It was in Parramatta! Good old Western Sydney finally getting a turn for the big events. 3) It was affordable. $15 for a ticket was reasonable for what I got out of the day. Not exactly Sydney Harbour- but Parra River doesn't look too shabby. I went to the summit alone, which for me was a pretty big deal! Yes, I spent the first 45 minutes shaking and texting my friend "WHAT WAS I THINKING I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MINGLE WITH STRANGERS WHO DIDN'T COME ALONE". It was pretty weird to be i...